The South Shore of Massachusetts is a geographic region stretching south and east from Boston toward Cape Cod along…
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According to the Boston Globe, some of today’s top buyer and seller real estate markets in the Boston…
Read MoreLandVest in Boston’s Top Real Estate Markets: Duxbury, Andover, Wayland
High-End Market Watch, News Flash, Summer, 2012 Cape Cod, Massachusetts Usually LandVest publishes a High-End Market Watch…
Read MoreCape Cod High-End Real Estate Sales Shows Positive Trend, Super Lux Still Lagging
Middlesex County, Massachusetts, is the most populous county in New England and is located west and northwest of…
Read MoreMA Real Estate News, Middlesex County: High-End Market Watch, First Half, 2012
Cape Cod is internationally famous as a summer resort area and is increasingly popular for retirement living. It…
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