Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in one of LandVest’s properties? We invite our owners to tell us a bit about their experience, what they love about their homes, and a bit of their history. In the previous blog of this three-part series, the owner explored her favorite things at Brooklin House. Here, we’ll explore the history of the house and learn how the secrets of nature influenced the home’s design.
Tell us about the history of the house
Little is known about the property’s history. I am told that at its roots, Brooklin House was a modest dwelling at the turn of the century. A humble barn was added at some point later that was used by a local boat builder to carry out his craft. The property grew into a slightly larger main home with established grounds in the 70’s. When I came upon it, the woman who owned the property had remodeled it from its modest beginnings and developed it to suit her taste, only scratching the surface of the home’s true potential. Calling out for some love and affection while grounded by great bones, I stepped in to bring the home up to what it is today to set the tone for a life in this century.

Does the property have any secrets?
I am told that Herrick Bay is home to some of the rarest shorebirds that delight many enthusiasts. I have seen Egrets, Blue Herons, Canadian Geese who love to fly in and hang out on the Point, and many other divers and waders who I don’t know the names of.
There is a Porcupine (who I’ve affectionately named Burt) who lives on the Creekside close to the barn somewhere. He comes out with his mate early some mornings and at dusk when no one is around and truffles about – see Time lapse video of the tide where Burt graciously makes an appearance at dusk.
At night countless horned owls come to visit and call to one another. My initial design for the Brooklin Barn has an owl as the anchor for its logo as I have loved owls all of my life. Their mysterious and majestic presence and spiritual reputation for wisdom also led me to decorate the Barn apartment with them as my design influence.

Brooklin House is a destination unto itself for those who desire nature, brilliant night skies, and radiant light shifting colors from sunrise to dusk and sunset. In every season, you truly feel away from it all while surrounded by world-class dining, fine art galleries, and unparalleled outdoor recreational activities while still close to destinations like the Blue Hill Peninsula, Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, Historic Fort Knox, Penobscot Narrows Bridge, Stonington Harbor, and the bold coast of Down East Maine. In Brooklin, you get the best of all worlds and the privacy that fewer destinations have to offer in these times.
Stay tuned for Part 3 of this Brooklin House series and if you missed our previous blog, please check it out here.