Stand-Up Paddleboarding –
“The Bicycle of the Sea”

This blog is brought to you by Sandy Olney of our South Coast New England Marketing Team.

The South Coast of Massachusetts is blessed with natural harbors, tidal bays, estuaries, and incredible beaches. Stand-up paddleboarding, sometimes referred by the acronym SUP, is a great way to enjoy the waterfront this time of year.

Duxbury Beach Photo: S. Olney

Stand-up paddleboarding is a hybrid of traditional surfing and paddling. The Hawaiians invented the sport in the 1960s when lifeguards used their outrigger canoe paddles while standing on surfboards teaching surfing. The design of the boards (and paddles) has evolved where any water enthusiast can enjoy flat-water cruising or launch into the surf to ride our small summer waves. It’s easy to learn and less inexpensive than cumbersome kayak or small-boat options. The benefit of standing while paddling enhances visibility for touring, tracking fish, or lining up incoming waves – all of which naturally accommodate fitness.  In general, board sizes range from 9 to 14 feet, and lighter rigid-inflatable options add a whole new dimension to safety and transportability. The boards are great for kids and make a fine tender for launching off boats, docks, or beaches.

As with any human-powered activity, the thrill of quietly navigating a waterway is a great way to escape. A well-known board shaper described this mode of exploring as “the bicycle of the sea.” The ease of use and natural applicability to coastal settings like the South Shore and South Coast of Massachusetts make it a fantastic way to get on the water. Nantasket Beach, Duxbury Beach, Sippican Harbor (Marion), Mattapoisett Harbor, and the Westport River are just a few obvious launching spots. Consider accessorizing your new paddleboard with one of our great water-oriented South Shore and South Coast properties for sale, click here.

Duxbury Beach Photo: S. Olney

For more information on recent listings on the South Shore and South Coast of Massachusetts, please contact Terry Boyle at 617-357-0432 or Sandy Olney at 617-948-8005 at LandVest.