The Boston Business Journal’s list of the area’s most expensive residential real estate reinforces LandVest’s position as the Best New England Luxury/High-End Real Estate Brokerage firm. LandVest sold six of the top 20 Greater Boston most expensive homes (ranging from $15,000,000 to $3,724,000) and sold the most expensive condo. LandVest delivered buyers for exceptional properties from the LandVest and Christie’s International Real Estate’s international client network.
According to the BBJ and MLS statistics, LV outranks all Massachusetts brokerage firms for the top 10 most expensive home sales. The following brokers deserve accolades for their luxury market expertise and ability to deliver exceptional results:

Boston’s North Shore:
7 Smiths Point, Manchester by-the-Sea,
14 Smiths Point, Manchester by-the-Sea,
29 – 43 Cross Street, Topsfield, MA.
LandVest Principal and Regional Manager for Boston’s North Shore, Lanse Robb, outranks any other broker for the number of top sales in the state of Massachusetts.
If you are interested in buying or selling North Shore real estate contact:
Cape Cod:
88 Mill Lane, Yarmouth, MA – Stewart Young, Regional Manager, Cape Cod
If you are interested in buying or selling Cape Cod real estate contact Stew Young:

Boston Metro-West:
68 Great Meadows Road, Concord, MA. Mary-Elisabeth Jones, G. Wade Staniar, and Ruth Kennedy Sudduth listed this property. The buyer was brought by Terrence Maitland and Nicole Monahan
If you are interested in buying or selling Concord, MA real estate contact Mary-Elisabeth Jones:
Boston’s Back Bay:
The Mandarin Residences, 776 Boylston Street, Unit West 11-B (#1 Condominium Sale),Terry Maitland and Nicole Monahan listed this property.
235 Marlborough Street, the buyer was brought by Terrence Maitland.
If you are interested in buying or selling Boston Real Estate contact Terrence Maitland:
Click to view more of New England’s most extraordinary real estate for sale
For general information on New England Real Estate for Sale contact Ruth Kennedy Sudduth:, Director, Residential Brokerage Division, LandVest, Inc.