Only 2 ½ hours from the bustle of Manhattan or 3 hours from Boston — yet a step back in time and a world away — Columbia County remains true to its agricultural roots with acres of rolling farmlands and equestrian properties dotting the landscape.

Many of the residents of Old Chatham hail from New York City and relish their weekends and vacations living a country lifestyle. The social and activity nucleus for Columbia County is the Old Chatham Hunt Club, one of the oldest hunts in the nation dating back to 1928. Whether one is a foxhunter, beagling enthusiast, local landowner, trail rider, trap shooter or social member, the club has a venue for all.

Old Chatham also has more than its share of antique homes and farms. Of special significance is Seven Bridges Farm one of the oldest in the area, aptly named for country bridges you cross to get there. Built in 1760 and completely restored, the property was also tastefully expanded in 2009. It is now on the market, listed exclusively with Cindy Welch of LandVest.

The authenticity of the restoration and addition belies the 21st century amenities which make it an “antique house that has it all”. Sited on 28± pastoral acres, the property includes a barn, paddocks, caretaker’s apt, art studio and a 5-bedroom home with heated pool. It is surrounded by farmland and adjacent riding trails.
Interested in learning more about Seven Bridges, the Columbia County market, or other second home markets in New England? Contact luxury broker Cindy Welch at cwelch@landvest.com or 413-329-3999.